
How about some anthropological archaeology?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:37 PM


Archaeology is an important subject in the Southwest, and it should be. The Southwest has so much evidence of this ancient civilization, we should learn all we can about these fascinating people. This civilization did not leave us any written record, but they did leave us much. We have their painted pottery, the lithics and their structures, which can tell us much about their life.

Archaeologists are too self-centered. Their recent publication, “Colorado Archaeology,” vol. 78, no 1, Spring 2012, has 18 articles and nearly half — seven out of 18 — deal with people and their important work. No doubt this is important, but how about some anthropological archaeology — people-to-people research? I am not an expert, but I have co-authored 10 scientific articles published in the scientific literature. We should have some anthropological — people-to-people research.

Harry Hance

