
Stop exhaling and save our forests

Tuesday, July 3, 2012 12:09 AM


Some of our forests have been destroyed by fire, but it is too late to play the blame game. It is time for solutions now.

I have a few common-sense solutions to forest fires. No one can keep every tree alive forever, because nature has a very powerful arsenal at her disposal, such as fire, pine beetles, drought, carelessness, and a rise in CO2 levels, just to name a few.

Nature gives us the forest to use wisely. She does this with one condition: Use it or lose it. Do selective cutting so we have lumber and paper products, stop overgrowth. Trees don’t have to be a foot apart. Most important of all, re-open the roads so when there is a fire, firefighters can get to it. Since it has now been established that a rise in CO2 levels is the reason our forests are burning up, I have some common-sense solutions for that too. We can all stop driving and using coal-fired power plants and we can stop exhaling and it will save our forests even more.

Louis Szabo

