
Thanks for help with Race Across America time station

Friday, June 29, 2012 10:33 PM

Mike Francisco, Coordinator of the Cortez Race Across America time station, wishes to thank all those people and community organizations who helped with the set up and actual maintaining of the time station. Walmart provided the location for the station. Gayel Alexander of the Cortez Retail Enhancement helped with 24/7 emergency contact information by doing contact work with those people and businesses before the station went into active mode. The Cortez Journal provided not only a big article on the event, but also published our need for volunteers to man the time station. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped to keep the time station open 24/7. One of the support crew members for a cyclist said that it was so good to be able to have people to answer questions and knowledgeable with local information. Many thanks to all those who help make this year’s RAAM time station a success.
