
Bridge Shelter opens doors for Mancos evacuees

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 12:39 AM

The Bridge Emergency Shelter is opening its doors to those of the Mancos community who have been evacuated or who feel the need to leave their homes for health reasons related to smoke in the air. The shelter opened to accommodate guests on Sunday night, June 24.

There are no clients at the shelter this time of year because they are typically not open in the summer. Bridge Shelter can provide mats, blankets, pillows, towels, showers, laundry, toiletries, computer service, phone service for local calls and very simple meals. The shelter is clean, and because of the concrete block structure, it is also cool.

Karen Silliman, the Executive Director, and Donna Boyd, Shelter Manager, are coordinating this outreach effort. In addition, the shelter has been informed by the city that they will help the shelter in any way needed.

To locate the shelter, drive north on Mildred Road in Cortez (the road that goes towards the hospital). At the intersection of Mildred Road and Empire Street (a four-way stop) turn left (west) and go half a block and turn left into the parking area on the north side of the Justice Building. The door to the shelter is on the north side of that building.

For information, call Karen at 570-0038, Donna at 719-200-0030, or MB McAfee (Chair of the Board) at 560-5017.
