
Birds band together

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 5:12 PM
A broadtailed hummingbird flies around a feeder, seemingly unaware that a net hovers above to capture the bird.
After the net drops, the hands of Chris Jones, Bureau of Land Management, reach inside to grab the bird and place it in a smaller net to transport into the Dunton Guard Station to be banded, weighed and measured.
A tube with a wax solution is used to gather pollen from the beak of a bird.
Wearing lighted magnifying goggles, Darla Welty reaches in to grab a bird for banding.
A hummingbird rests on top of the frame for the net.
A wing is spread out and checked by the bander, Darla Welty.
Pete Foote, from the Bureau of Land Management, reaches for a hummingbird trapped in the net.
After being banded, weighed and measured, a hummingbird is given a fortifying drink before being released.