
Wasley is a much better choice

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:11 PM


So, a paper which seems to have become increasingly liberal over the years wrote several negative articles against our Republican District Attorney, Russ Wasley. As expected, the paper then used these articles as a justification for recommending against voting to re-elect him. Nice move.

The paper cited the much-talked about discovery issues. An impartial journalist would have pointed out that discovery issues are routinely raised by criminal defense attorneys as one of the tactics used to acquit their usually guilty clients.

DA candidate Will Furse is himself a criminal defense attorney. So, the same tactics used in the courtroom are apparently being used during this election campaign. Mr. Furse, like other criminal defense attorneys, spends his time defending the various vermin plaguing out society but he says he has decided to run for DA because he now wants to prosecute those same types of people. And yet, if he is not elected, he will continue defending them.

The unconvincing career change, along with Mr. Furse’s lack of prosecutorial experience and the need for on-the-job training, is reason enough to re-elect Russ Wasley.

Steve Jennings

Pleasant View

Via e-mail
