
The Cortez Journal vs. the county

Wednesday, June 6, 2012 9:59 PM


Republicans are used to seeing the national media advocate against conservatives. It is somewhat distressing, however, to see our local paper champion liberal causes at odds with Montezuma County values. In the 2008 and 2010 election cycles, the Cortez Journal mostly endorsed liberal propositions and Democrat candidates, which were not popular with county voters. So it is not a surprise to see the paper doing a headline-grabbing front page piece on Scott Tipton’s very minor campaign law violation, or running negative articles on District Attorney Russ Wasley. The pattern seems to be that articles about small negative issues rate prominent headlines, yet major successes like the recent attempted murder conviction, which is a big deal in this county, get small side columns. Is this the paper’s method of offering support for Russ Wasley’s primary opponent? If so, what would the paper find appealing about Will Furse? Is it the fact that Mr. Furse is a life-long Democrat who conveniently turned Republican last year just in time to announce his DA candidacy? Or that he spent his short legal career defending criminals and advocating for “social justice”? Or that he has no prosecutorial experience? Then again, it could be the time Mr. Furse spent in jail on a drug charge. Now, that may be the type of experience that liberals appreciate.

Steve Jennings

Pleasant View

Via email
