
Honor vs. disrespect

Wednesday, June 6, 2012 9:58 PM

Respecting others because of the higher authorities they represent.

Honor is the character quality that guides a person’s proper relationship with authorities on all levels. Honor begins with the respect a person shows toward those in authority. A person’s honor toward others in general is invariably related to his measure of respect for those in positions of authority over him.

It is honorable to remember and respect those who have led you in the past — former teachers, employers, community leaders, and especially parents in their later years. President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation on May 8, 1914, declaring the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day in every state in the U.S. Many countries around the world have now set aside a day to honor mothers.

Mother’s Day and Memorial Day have recently been celebrated and Father’s Day is on the horizon. Here are four ideas for honoring not only mothers and fathers, but all who have been leaders in your life:

Defer: A clear expression of honor is to defer to the preferences of an elder. Give way to and anticipate her preferences whenever possible. Be certain your deference is cheerful, or it loses all honor and becomes an empty gesture.

Visit: Parents often take great joy in following the welfare of their sons and daughters. Keeping parents abreast of your life is a way of honoring their investment.

Thank: Do not overlook the many blessings you have received from past authorities. Be sure to let parents know how you are continuing to apply the lessons they taught you.

Remember important days: birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and days that commemorate personal events in the lives of your elders. Let them know you are thinking of them.

Honor your elders and the vision set by past generations, and be creative with the opportunities they have entrusted to you. Others have sacrificed to prepare you for the world, and others have labored to prepare the world for you. Discuss with your children a way to show love and honor to their grandparents. They could write a letter, send some current photos or even plan a special dinner with grandparents as the “guests of honor.” By speaking respectfully of your parents to your children, the children will learn to honor their grandparents and also be given a model of how they should treat you in the coming years.

Brought to you by the Four Corners Character Council. Character First! Definitions and information used by permission. Copyright Character Training Institute
