
DA shouldn’t be in law enforcement’s pocket

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 9:01 PM


Well, it looks like I struck a nerve with Michael Gaddy. I don’t believe my letter used the word conspiracy, even one time, as compared to the four times it appeared in his letter. He is shedding more light on the subject than I had hoped for, thank you.

As for me not reading the newspaper, I believe the article about the judge’s order to Russell Wasley came some time after the caucus and we had seen no previous complaint. Now, I know that we all make mistakes, and hopefully learn from them. The key is to not make the same one twice. I believe that there is no better education than experience and in that field Will Furse is woefully lacking. I don’t think the citizens of the 22nd District want to give Mr. Furse the $130,000 salary for on the job training.

Our system of government works with a process of checks and balances. Having the DA in the pocket of law enforcement is not what I call balance. Now, I normally agree with the 9-12 group and the sheriff on their stand. But, in the DA matter, I believe they need to take a serious look at their position.

Oh, by the way; is he the Michael Gaddy that was involved with the Arizona Minutemen militia? Just like to know who I am talking to.

Richard Kipp

Pleasant View

Via e-mail
