
‘Young’ is not a four-letter word

Friday, May 25, 2012 10:31 PM

Dear Editor:

Monday evening at the “candidate meet” session sponsored by the Farm Bureau, I was surprised to learn that being “young” was a negative thing. DA candidate Russ Wasley kept referring to his “young” opponent in a condescending manner. Will Furse has been working in this area for seven years already, most recently working with the Ute Mountain Utes, while also having a private practice in Cortez.

I think of other community leaders who started off here when they were “young” men. I think of Chris Burkett, who has been with the City of Cortez for 34 years and had the vision as a young man to create our wonderful city park system and recreation center. I also think of Roy Lane, who has been with the City of Cortez for 31 years and is a respected chief of police. They started off their careers in Cortez as young men.

Let’s give a young man the opportunity to be an effective district attorney. With a 600 percent increase in drug arrests in Montezuma County in the past year, it is going to take a youthful person with plenty of energy and confidence to create an effective District Attorney’s Office.

Eleanor Kuhl

Cortez, Colorado

Via email
