
Spring and hummingbirds have arrived in Rico

Friday, May 4, 2012 10:13 PM

I am happy to announce that our favorite agitator, the hummingbird, officially arrived on the afternoon of April 26th at the Jones residence. Two of them traveled together and upon arriving at their usual feeding spot that they use every year proceeded to dive-bomb the red lantern hanging in the general area.  That action obviously means that they were very hungry after their flight!

Speaking of hummingbirds reminds me of the time when Orval Jahnke (mining superintendent era) boiled up a batch of hummer food, filled numerous one gallon water jugs with the sweet nectar and stored them outside at the north end of the house. He was well prepared for the next month or so! Trouble is, a big old fat black bear happened by one night and enjoyed a banquet of sweet juice and wreaked havoc with the entire supply.  We have more stories on the Jahnke family and their experiences while living up above Rico.  Not wishing to waste my reader’s time, but would like to mention that I visited Mary one day and while there, the door bell rang. Mary said never mind the bell, there is a robin that discovered the doorbell and it’s sweet sound and is constantly ringing it. Very clever wouldn’t you say.

Dr. Fraser Houston (Jourdan) of Rico and Durango was up this past week. He put on a new roof on the old garage and some exterior sanding and painting on the house. Winters are hard on homes, fences and etc., up here.

The pussy willows are at their best right now. We always pick a bouquet each Spring. The secret is to put then the container without water. They’ll last and last.

Did you know that there is a “weather” camera (I do not know how else to identify it) mounted on the C.D.O.T. signage at the north end of Town. A friend in Oklahoma found it on her computer. She mentioned that the visibility was questionable because she couldn’t tell if the snow was totally gone. It must be a step up for C.D.O.T. management or they wouldn’t have it in use.

I want to mention that our Town Library hours are now 1-5 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 11 a.m.-3 p.m,. on Saturday.

Candace and Mike Austin and Ann and Mark Price of west Rico, Midland and Austin, Texas have been here for over three weeks working on their old miner’s cabin the family has owned since 1946! They are neighbors with Helen Matzick and the Milsteads. Besides a total remodel of the cabin, they have added a couple more rooms which the family sorely needed. It was time!

Marlene Hazen has lived in Rico for two decades. An active member of the community, she participates in organizations such as the Rico Women’s Club and Rico Historical Society.
