
Poverty is our major impediment

Monday, April 30, 2012 9:32 PM


In selecting the members of the Re-1 school board, we had hoped that a bit of logic and dedication to pedagogy would guide decisions. Unfortunately, with the selection of Alex Carter as the new superintendent, we as a community can clearly see that nothing has changed.

The primary challenge of students within the Re-1 school district is one of socio-economic resources. In sum, poverty is our major impediment. Within this context the school board selects a candidate from an area with nearly unlimited financial and educational resources (Telluride).

Furthermore, I wonder at what point instructors will be laid off in pursuit of more funding for “TV textbook.” Watching television as education? Hmm.

Socrates and his method, in awe of Re-1’s stupidity, quivers with shame.

J.Z. Whitaker


