
House budget is harmful to Colorado

Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017 4:21 PM

The recent 2018 House Budget Resolution would use “reconciliation” to force a fast-track legislative process for billions of dollars in cuts to programs that help families in Colorado meet their full potential, such as food stamps.

The resolution proposed $150 billion in food stamp cuts, with the suggestion that states save through “block” or “opportunity” grants, which translate to capped funding. Capped funding would inhibit the program’s ability to respond in times of increased need, such as during natural or financial disasters when Coloradans need assistance the most.

The resolution also included cuts of $10 billion from the Farm Bill, negatively impacting communities in rural Colorado.

Our rural neighbors continue to feel the impacts of the great recession, and cuts to vital farm and nutrition programs might disproportionately harm these counties.

Urge your members of Congress to acknowledge that the house budget is harmful to hundreds thousands of Coloradans, and to oppose deep cuts to support programs in order to balance the budget.

Joel McClurg, Hunger Free Colorado

