
Yes, I want to give back to my community

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 7:38 PM


This letter is in response to Cula Garner’s letter to the editor on March 22, 2012, “‘Giving back’ is extremely lame.” The question presented was “What in the world did you take from the community that you need to give back?”

As a lifelong community member, I have taken so much from this city. I was born in Cortez, so the health facilities that are provided helped bring both me and my children into the world. The schools that my entire family attended gave us an education to become productive adults. Cortez has brought in businesses that allowed me to have job opportunities. The parks and recreation center provided places for my family to go to maintain healthier life styles. We have a library available to everyone to go and enjoy different types of literature. We have paved roads to travel on and clean water to drink. I also want to be sure to mention our police department and fire department that do the best they can to keep us safe.

I have developed a sense of pride for my community and have wonderful neighbors and friends. All of this wouldn’t be possible without a city that was willing to provide for its community. Cortez has given to me in more ways than one, and yes, I want to give back.

To all of the people that sit on boards and volunteer for different organizations, I say, “Thank you!” for giving back to your community.

Shawna McLaughlin

City council candidate


