
Folks, this is simply wrong

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 7:38 PM


Will the real sheriff please stand up?

With talk around town about how the sheriff organized all his law enforcement friends and family to blindside 11 Republican caucuses and therefore the Republican County Assembly, it’s time to “vet” this sheriff to see who he really is.

Two years ago, running for sheriff on the Republican ticket, he had a real attitude toward the local Republicans for supposedly not supporting him. If perhaps there was someone in the Republican Party who was not enamored with the sheriff, was there was a good reason for this? Absolutely! This man who complains about the Republicans was openly supporting the Democratic candidate for DA , Mac Myers. He was also lobbying all local law enforcement to support Democrat Mac Myers.

Now two years later, he and his law enforcement group are supporting a Democrat candidate in Republican clothes (Will Furse, friend of Mac Myers) for DA. Look at Furse’s background. His history, actions and friends say Democrat. Furse has no DA prosecution time served but does have jail time served. Law enforcement support was so strong for Furse that our current DA, Russ Wasley, did not get enough delegate votes to get on the ballot without having to get over 800 signatures on a petition.

Folks, this is simply wrong. No sheriff should try to put a person into the DA’s office just because he thinks he can control him. How dangerous is this? We know the sheriff has been trying to tell the DA how to do his job, which has caused conflict between the DA’s office and the sheriff’s office. The sheriff doesn’t have to go to court to prosecute and convict criminals — the DA does.

Sheriff, back off. Let the DA do his job.

James Davies

