
Myers is looking for a job

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 7:51 PM


In response to Mac Myers’ letter dated March 17: Let’s see, Mac Myers is here because of Jim Wilson. Jim Wilson worked for Mac Myers for several years. Jim Wilson considered Mac Myers a friend. So when Jim Wilson became our DA, he hired Mac Myers to work in our DA’s office. Later, when things didn’t work out with Mac Myers’ employment, Jim was forced to let Myers go.

I am appalled that anyone would talk bad about someone who can’t defend himself or herself. Jim Wilson had a fatal motorcycle accident near Denver, so please do not talk or write about him. Jim Wilson helped my family and me when we lost my sister, Amanda DeGagne. Jim Wilson went way beyond the call of duty to see that her killer got 20 years for her death. I will always have a spot in my heart for Jim Wilson. I don’t think any other DA would have done. So shame on you!

One would wonder if Mac Myers is backing Will Furse (like one liberal to another) because Myers is again looking for a job in the DA’s office. Furse just became a Republican and knows nothing about being a conservative person.

Heather Lewis

