
Let’s put President Trump under review

Monday, Aug. 14, 2017 4:14 PM

Like all presidents, Donald Trump entered the White House bringing with him a record of his conduct over the span of his adult years. He arrived with a full baggage car:

A raft of bankruptcies.A posse of stiffed creditors.The government shutdown of his Trump University (a scam enterprise that cost him $27 million in damages for defrauded students).Huge debts to foreign banks.An Access Hollywood video that highlighted his reputation for demeaning women and treating them as so many toys.An ingrained habit of stretching the truth.In fairness, we must consider what he has accomplished thus far as president. He has issued a number of executive orders, most of them requiring deliberation by an appropriate agency, or Congress, some of them blocked by the courts.

He has reneged on his campaign promise to preserve Medicare and Medicaid, and is now asking Congress to repeal Obamacare in its entirety, replacing it as some future date, a move designed to convert Obamacare expenditures to billions in tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans.

Trump has failed to address the serious state of our infrastructure, tax reform, build the wall that “Mexico will pay for,” draft a jobs proposal and has neglected to fill critical vacancies in our major government agencies.

He has pulled us out of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and is trying to eviscerate EPA regulations that protect the health and safety of all Americans.

Now he has appointed the Robach Commission to collect state voter rolls, a poorly-disguised attempt at further voter suppression. He lacks reverence for, and understanding of, the U.S. Constitution.

Trump has embraced dictators where he has business interests, while alienating our democratic allies. At the G-20 meeting, Putin, who seems to have something on Trump, played him like a puppet, prompting Trump to support forming a joint cyber unit with Russia and sharing intelligence with them. And Trump seems eager to doubt that Russia meddled in our election.

The sooner this president of tweets and tantrums leaves office, the better for our democracy.

Denton May

