
GOP is finally attracting competent candidates

Monday, March 19, 2012 4:50 PM


Being a former district attorney for 8.5 years, I believe I can answer some of the concerns raised in Darlene Clark’s recent letter to the editor. Will Furse has been a lawyer in this area for about seven years, several years longer than Russell Wasley.

All political parties try to attract newcomers to their party. Why would Ms. Clark be surprised that the local Republican Party would attract an intelligent, competent lawyer? Really, she should feel better about being Republican and be pleased her party is finally attracting competent candidates.

This is not the first jurisdiction in which Russell Wasley has failed. Indeed, Wasley has failed in every prosecution job he has ever had. He has been fired or demoted in three separate DA’s offices or simply moved on because he had no future. Look at the quality of our Republican DA candidates over the past decade: Joe Olt, Jim Wilson and now Russell Wasley. I doubt there is a single person who actually understands what the DA’s responsibilities are who would consider any of those three competent DAs. Decent lawyers perhaps, but not qualified to be DA. Ms. Clark should be pleased to have a lawyer the quality of Will Furse to be her party’s nominee for district attorney.

Mac Myers


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