Girl Scouting
Friday, March 9, 2012 9:05 PM
All the Girl Scout troops from the Cortez, Dolores, Lewis and Mancos area are represented at the First Assembly of God Church in Cortez. The troops took part in World Thinking Day where they all wore traditional garb of the country that their troop chose or uniforms from the Uniform Fashion Show . The girls participated in activities and projects with global themes to honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries. On March 13 at 7:30 p.m., there will be a 100-year Proclamation from the Cortez City Council celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting. Girl Scouts of America was started in 1912 in Savannah, Ga.
Courtesy Photo
$PHOTOCREDIT_ON$Kadance Orr, Sadie Veach, Ashlyn Mikkelson and Jayden Thomason from Daisy Scout Troop 1199 chose the country of Samoa to learn about. $PHOTOCREDIT_OFF$
Courtesy Photo