
Medians on Main a misuse of funds

Monday, Aug. 7, 2017 5:36 PM

This idea of building Medians on Main Street just doesn’t seem to make any sense at all.

If the reasons are in fact what the city claims, to slow down traffic, stop U-turns and to prevent left hand turns out of McDonalds, all could be accomplished without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money.

If they want to stop left hand turns out of McDonalds, why not put up a no left hand turn sign for a few hundred dollars, and do the same for no U-turns?

If one of the goals is to slow down traffic, how about starting by enforcing the speed limit? That is something that we are already paying for, but we are certainly not getting anything for our money.

If high school students are going to McDonalds, what is wrong with them crossing at Sligo and Main? There is no need for a special crosswalk. How can narrowing a lane have a calming effect? Narrow lanes cause congestion and congestion irritates drivers. Irritated drivers are not generally real calm.

If we have all of this money in the road improvement fund, there is plenty of work that needs to be done on the city streets, that is being neglected, without building a mess that just requires more maintenance and outside contractors for snow removal.

It looks like the goal is just to spend a lot of taxpayer money with no benefit to the taxpayer, so who profits from spending this money? It smells pretty bad.

Teresa Campbell

