
Tradlener provides no suggestions

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 9:10 PM


Larry Tradlener’s commentary on the Bridge Emergency Shelter (“Freeloaders,” March 1) provides astonishing insight into big government, drug and alcohol abuse, unemployment and even unions. Ironically, it is the age-old attitudes held by Mr. Tradlener that have led to such plights and the efforts of the shelter and its sister organization, the Day Labor Center, that are effectively addressing them.

According to the conservative argument, communities, families, and employers respect and care for their own. Government welfare and unions are unwelcome and unnecessary. If Mr. Tradlener truly believed that notion, he would not use such vitriolic terms as denizens, addicts, and loafers. He would not deride a disabled worker. He would not turn his back on people in destitute situations.

Finally, If Mr. Tradlener were better informed, he would know that the shelter is providing temporary housing for several men who recently got jobs at the excelsior plant in Mancos and that some of the “bums” he sees regularly at Recreation Center have just returned from night shift. Ironically, they may have sought those jobs on his recommendation.

Perhaps Mr. Tradlener has a better solution for homelessness and unemployment and freezing to death in one of Cortez’s parks. Perhaps he thinks that the Rec Center should be closed to anyone who “looks” destitute. He certainly does not provide suggestions.

Carla Greene


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