
Perhaps compassion should be abandoned

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 9:10 PM


At the risk of being labeled a bleeding heart liberal I would like to comment on Larry Tradlener’s column, “Freeloaders,” which appeared in the March 1, Journal. His column is two-fold. First, he may be so offended by the “bums” in Cortez that he would prefer to close the Bridge’s shelter, The Pinon Project, The Red Cross, The Salvation Army and other organizations and let the “layabouts” fend for themselves. That may mean freezing to death in one of our parks, but it is “a different point of view.” Perhaps the rec center should issue instructions that “denizens” are not allowed to seek shelter there, regardless of the weather. Perhaps compassion and caring should be abandoned in these difficult times — perhaps for all time, according to Mr. Tradlener.

The second section of this commentary deals with Mr. Tradlener’s self-described heroics in never having been on welfare. Good for him; he is lucky, but he seems to forget that as a white male he belongs to the privileged class. If he were Native American, Hispanic or a woman, would he have been so fortunate as to be offered an opportunity? Perhaps not.

I am happily retired and do not work. I do not consider myself a freeloader as Mr. Tradlener might label me. And I thought it was interesting that he chose to end his rage with a quote from Lao Tzu, a Chinese Taoist who practiced a belief in respect and compassion.

Doug Greene


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