
Motorcycles ruining forest trail experience

Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2017 5:11 PM

I live in Kansas and have been coming to Cortez and the surrounding area to vacation since 1980. I have hiked my favorite trails - Priest Gulch, Calico, Johnny Bull, to name a few, and have enjoyed every minute up until the last several years.

Motorcycles have been allowed to share the trails! Now I dodge deep gouges and ruts, exposed roots and rolling rocks as well as having to endure the noise and smell of the engines. So many tranquil moments have been spoiled – what a shame!

When the ruts the motorcycle tires make get too deep to ride, they just move over a foot or two and make a new rut. When the curve in a trail is too tight, they ride up on the outer edge, widening the turn to 6 feet in some instances!

Colorado, why are you ruining the pristine beauty we all love and travel from other states to revel in?

I am a motorcycle rider and have been for years. My husband and I traveled around the country on a bike, but we would never consider ruining such a wonderful natural resource as our National Forest hiking trails.

Motorcycles do not belong on steep mountain trails where they create perfect conditions for degradation and erosion, not to mention disrupting the natural peace and beauty of your mountains .

Have a little respect.

Patricia Boyer

Lawrence, Kan.
