
Letter to editor bordered on pure slander

Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2017 5:11 PM

I am not sure what irritates me more about the letter from Ken Chester (Journal, June 29):

That he believes that I am ignorant because I voted for President Trump;

That he believes that the local law enforcement agencies base their activities solely on racial profiling;

Or that the Journal and Ballantine Communications, Inc. would chose to print such a libelous and insulting letter.

Everyone in the United States is, and should be, afforded the right to voice his opinion, but when that opinion borders on pure slander, then I believe that there should be some restriction on where and how those opinions are voiced.

It is no secret that Ballantine Communications, Inc is a liberal-leaning organization, and by its ownership, so is the Cortez Journal.

Additionally, since the editorial page and the letters to the editor are filtered by the staff at the Durango Herald (which is more liberal that the Journal), it is understandable that liberal-leaning letters such as Chester’s will find their way into the Journal.

But – there should be some reasonable limit placed on content that has no real basis of fact and its only purpose appears to be nothing more than venting by someone who refuses to accept that fact that Donald Trump is in fact the President of the United States.

If Chester were to voice these opinions in an open forum, it would not be surprising that someone would take offense and he would incur legal problems.

Dick Simmons

