
Voters deserve qualified candidates, not cronyism

Monday, March 5, 2012 8:06 PM


As an observer of local politics, I was struck by Karen Bohn’s paid advertisement puzzling over the results of the Montezuma County Republican County Assembly. Ms. Bohn wonders what caused the Montezuma County Republican Party to decline putting the names of party insiders and incumbent DA Russ Wasley on the primary ballot.

The answer may be very simple. I suspect people are tired of having establishment candidates pushed on them by the local party. In recent years, Republican Central Committee candidate selections have generally not been the best available candidates and the county has suffered because of that. People want, and deserve, qualified candidates who will run this county competently without the cronyism that exists in the establishment wing of the local Republican Party.

Mac Myers



Editor’s note: Myers, a Democrat, is a former district attorney in both Glenwood Springs and in the 22nd Judicial District, where he was appointed to fill Jim Wilson’s unexpired term.
