
How did Furse pull this off?

Monday, March 5, 2012 8:06 PM


The headline in the newspaper on Feb. 28 was that William Furse was the winner at the Republican county assembly a week ago.

The real story was ignored by the reporter, and that is: How did Furse pull this off? As a comparison, Keenan Ertel, whose family has lived in Cortez since 1917, is well known, well respected, has always been a Republican and never served time in jail, received 67 delegate votes for county commissioner. On the other hand, Furse, who just moved here last year, just comverted from Democrat to Republican last year, has never worked in any DA’s office, had a felony drug charge pled down to a misdemeanor and served time in jail, received 80 delegate votes (out of 140 delegates) for the position of DA.

Doesn’t this beg to be investigated? It is believed that the sheriff is behind this candidate, and I would hope that he goes public with his reasoning as to why he’s supporting a complete novice for the top position as district attorney.

Another story the reporter might want to look at is how many Democrats converted to Republican for the sole purpose of going into the Republican assembly and steering votes to a liberal.

James Scales

