
There was no ‘unholy alliance’

Monday, March 5, 2012 8:06 PM


This letter is in response to the paid ad in Thursday’s paper from Karen Bohn. I attended the caucus precinct meeting Feb. 7 and the County Assembly on Feb. 24. I am very surprised that you have a concern with the new “faces” at the precinct caucuses. I thought you would think that this is democracy in action and would welcome new people to the party. I have been a lifelong Republican but haven’t been excited with past candidates that represented the party in Montezuma County.

There was no “unholy alliance” at these meetings. As campaign chairman for Keenan Ertel, I can tell you we have not met with William Furse or Casey McClellan to fix the votes at the county assembly. We did just what the caucus was supposed to do. Just because there are new candidates not pushed by the party leaders, doesn’t mean there was a conspiracy between them. People are tired of the normal routine GOP meetings that few run. This party should be open to all interested Republicans. It’s not your party — it’s the people’s party.

I think the party leaders are mad that their chosen few were not selected at the Assembly meeting. That is not how it is supposed to work. We the people decide who we want. If there is a conspiracy, I think it is at the Montezuma Republican Central Committee. Look how the Central Committee didn’t support Sheriff Spruell when he ran for election. You are doing the same thing again. The people will decide who they want at election time. Let the petitions begin, as there are no hidden agendas trying to eliminate choices for the voters.

Hal Shepherd

Campaign Chairman for Keenan Ertel

