
Now is the time to help us help animals

Thursday, July 27, 2017 5:30 PM

The For Pets’ Sake membership drive is in full swing!

FPS is a steady and dependable source of medical and food assistance for pets and their families. For Pets’ Sake has helped many folks in Montezuma and Dolores counties with veterinary bills, food for dogs and cats, finding lost pets, and an assistance program that helps owners find new homes for their pets. For Pets’ Sake also has a trap/neuter/release program that assists property owners in humanely dealing with feral cats.

FPS provides continual financial assistance with spays and neuters within the Four Corners. In addition, many animal emergencies are solved with the help of our many dedicated volunteers.

We have our wonderful members to thank for much of what we are able to accomplish! The community’s financial support is crucial to our volunteers’ ability to assist you with your pets needs. FPS functions entirely through the dedication of its volunteers. You can be sure that your dollars stay local and directly benefit the animals. Our budget typically spends about 5 percent on operating costs, and 95 percent goes directly to the animals.

If you have been thinking about giving to help animals in our area, now is the perfect time! You can find our membership packet at the Cortez Public Library, or call (970) 565-7387 and we will be happy to mail you a membership brochure.

Thank you for considering a membership with For Pets’ Sake. The animals thank you too!

Kristina Ricca

