
School survey Kudos to all who took the time to weigh in

Friday, Feb. 24, 2012 6:56 PM

Re-1’s recent survey about the four-day school week received a phenomenal 1,680 responses, many of them from students.

That response, in itself, is a praiseworthy accomplishment. Each survey respondent has made an effort to weigh in, with many describing why they believe as they do. Each will benefit from having a say in the decision.

The district has four distinct groups of constituents: students, parents, faculty and staff, and community members (who may be former students or parents of former students, and who probably are taxpayers and voters).

Many other factors will go into the board’s decision. The budget is extremely tight. District employees are being asked to do more with less. Student achievement must be the primary consideration. And students, particularly younger ones, may not be the best judges of what makes an effective educational schedule.

All those respondents have been watching and analyzing and participating, and that degree of involvement can only be a good thing for Re-1 and for the community.
