
Williams is not acting in our interest

Wednesday, July 19, 2017 5:52 PM

Wayne Williams, Colorado’s Secretary of State, is aiding and abetting the president’s effort to retroactively justify his loss of the popular vote.

The federal government has no business collecting and compiling data on the voters of Colorado, especially considering the impetus for which is the president’s very fragile sense of self.

All registered voters, whether Republican, Democrat or independent, should find it troublesome that the federal government is meddling in affairs legally delegated to the state of Colorado.

Furthermore, in the normal course of events, one does not make accusations and then begin to look for evidence to buttress one’s claim, but rather the other way around.

By pandering to the president’s egotistical notion, Wayne Williams is not acting in the best interest of the voters of Colorado and should be voted out.

Joe Kelly

