
Resist GOP demand for voter information

Thursday, July 13, 2017 9:01 PM

The Trump administration’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity is demanding that all 50 states provide detailed information on all their voters, including full name, address, birthday, political party, last four digits of Social Security number, voter history since 2006, military service, felony convictions, other-state voter registration and overseas citizen status.

Disguised as an attempt to ensure election integrity, this effort is nothing less than an attempt to intimidate and harass voters and suppress their vote.

This commission is led by the infamous former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who ran a voter suppression strategy which illegally disenfranchised one out of seven new Kansas voters. This effort mirrors Republican attempts nationwide to suppress minority voters and political opponents through electoral redistricting in states Republicans control.

Minority President Trump never has been satisfied with his 2016 electoral college victory in the face of losing the popular vote by over 2.8 million votes. His outsized ego compels him to reverse that popular decision by any means, including his totally-discredited charges of fraudulent and rigged elections and this sham commission.

Some Colorado voters have withdrawn their voter registration, intimidated by this outrageous invasion of their privacy. Do not surrender your right to vote to Republicans, the tea party or any other conservative bullies in Cortez, Montezuma County, Colorado or nationwide.

Challenge their vicious assault on your most important freedom and repel their political tyranny at the ballot box.

James F. Andrus

