
Climate story lacking in factual science

Thursday, June 29, 2017 10:43 AM

The sky is falling!

Poor dear climate scientist Jane Zelikova, aka Chicken Little (Journal, May 30). It’s too bad how that big, mean President Trump has talked bad about your “science.” And yes, maybe you will have a harder time getting a job in this government-subsidized field.

After “crying your eyes out” in Washington D.C., you have finally showed us how you do “science.” It’s not about real facts and measurements, but it’s all about guesses of causes as well as social media, posters and banners and marches and petitions. Oh, and tears. Yes, many tears.

If you can just conjure up more scary stories of what, possibly, could, might happen in the future without more and more regulations, people may see things your way. Yes, you are a victim, but not of whom you think. Can’t you see that the great leftist manipulators are using you?

It’s nice that you want more inclusivity and diversity in your “science” field, but how about starting with facts and truth instead of fear? Fear sells papers but not good science.

As for the “reporter,” Elizabeth Shogren, congratulations on winning the prize this week for most words. Maybe you could do a series on “Climate Jane” with a sponsorship by Kleenex.

Meanwhile, take a deep breath. Discover who is really in charge of the earth.

Cheryl Holdorf

