When was your last vacation, and what would you do for your dream vacation?
Friday, Jan. 27, 2012 11:26 PM
Phil Ayers
Retired from Park Service
My last vacation was down to the Durango/Cortez area and I just retired and I just moved here. Were kind of following our dream right now.
Rayloa Baywell
Retired county clerk
I took a short vacation to Texas around Christmas time. I would like to go to Ireland and Scotland.
Bob Bragg
Director of Underwriting at KSJD
My last vacation was in July of last summer. I guess my dream vacation would be to go somewhere nice and quiet where you can read a book.
Trish Holder
My last vacation was right before I moved, and I came here. My dream vacation, Id like to go to Scotland.
Jessica Romero
Wendys Employee
My last vacation was Las Cruces, New Mexico. It was about a week ago. I would like to go to the Vatican City.
Jerry Tennity
I went to Palm Springs Florida. That was when I was 12, 13 years old. ... Bahamas.