
School district decision is discriminatory

Thursday, June 22, 2017 2:58 PM

My name is Brooklynn Martin and I have a 5-year-old son who is on the autism spectrum.

Being the mother I am, I got him into the best school district in my area, Mancos, and I drive 45 minutes one way to get him there.

My son attended the Mancos preschool for two years prior to now. He does have an individual education plan in place, and has a whole team that helps him. The school was fine with taking him, and we even had a meeting.

Recently, I received a phone call from the temporary principal saying that my son could not attend this school because they have a policy that states that special needs students who live out of district cannot attend because of funding.

I talked with the superintendent as well, and he was beyond rude. I was told that they get a certain amount of funding for every student, and that it would cost the school district too much money to help my son.

I am beyond upset that this can even happen! Is there any way to make it so this doesn’t happen to anyone else?

I want people to understand that this is discrimination and wrong. Any help would be great.

Brooklynn Martin

