
Let’s help out those less fortunate

Monday, Jan. 16, 2012 10:04 PM

Dear Editor:

I recently worked at the Bridge Homeless Shelter again this year, my third year of volunteering. There have been noticeable changes that make things better for volunteers, staff and clients alike. It seems more “homey” and comfortable for everyone. I enjoyed serving meals (with clients always thanking me) and visiting with clients to see their needs, hear their stories and find out what creative things they might like to do. I’m hoping we can develop some creative outlets in the future for clients while they stay at the shelter. They would like to be working on projects and feel useful.

Many people are curious about volunteering there and I suggest you do, if you like working with people and making something about their day enjoyable. Since the staff deals with the intoxicated clients in another wing, it seems to make everyone more relaxed and open to visiting, playing games, drawing and helping with chores.

I encourage you to try volunteering at the shelter, and if not with clients directly maybe by donating supplies or finding out what other needs the shelter has. Let’s help out those less fortunate in our community. Call 565-9808 to help however you feel you can.

Barbara Grist


Bridge Emergency Shelter
