
Republican caucus website announced

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012 10:24 PM

Montezuma County Party Vice-Chairman Chuck Forth announced the launch of a a website for Republican caucus goers to find their caucus location online and pre-register to attend.

“Colorado Republicans are committed to investing in new technologies in order to maintain a competitive advantage in the upcoming 2012 elections. I am pleased to announce our new caucus registration website will not only allow caucus goers to find their local caucus location, but also allow attendees to pre-register for their caucus. Go to and you will find a link on the home page to the Caucus pre-registration website,” he wrote in an email.

The Colorado Republican Precinct Caucus will be held statewide on Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. In order to participate in the Republican Caucus, people must have been a registered Republican as of Dec. 7, 2011, and you must have been a resident of your precinct since Jan. 9, 2012. Pre-registration for the caucus is optional but encouraged.

Due to reapportionment and redistricting every 10 years, precinct lines were not finalized until Tuesday, Jan. 9 — if a voter’s precinct location is not yet available, it will be shortly after the 9th. If you choose to pre-register for your caucus, your location will be emailed to you as soon as it is updated in the system.
