
Reps serving people or corporations?

Monday, June 19, 2017 5:12 PM

Our elected officials are talking right past us with their jargon about health care. Do they really think we give a darn that our health care system is “market-based,” as Congressmen Buck, Tipton, Coffman and Lamborn have all stressed?

Do they honestly imagine that what we want is more “choices” as Sen. Gardner has emphasized. We don’t care about “the market” or “choice.” We want what the citizens of every other developed nation in the world already have; a comprehensive, universal healthcare system that works for all of us.

The term “market-based” is code language intended to signal to the insurance industry that elected officials are on their team and will protect their opportunities to make money from our misfortunes. You’d think that they’d care more about the right of the people of Colorado to health care than about the right of the insurance industry to make huge profits. Sure, universal health care would hurt them and somebody would have to take a hit – either the people or the corporations.

And do our senators and members of Congress really think that what we want is a health care menu loaded with more bad choices? Anyone who’s tried to make such choices knows that it’s a confusing and often expensive prospect, sort of like ordering off of the menu at a fancy French restaurant. You’re really not sure what you’ll end up with. How about just a good, basic, well-balanced universal healthcare menu?

It’s really a question of whose interests our elected officials intend to serve – the citizens of Colorado or the executives and investors in a particular industry and, of course, Trump’s agenda.

Please, Sen. Gardner and Congressmen Buck, Lamborn, Tipton and Coffman, show us that you are not serving the insurance industry or the Trump agenda. Show us that you are serving the people of Colorado.

Doug Holdread

Trinidad, Colorado
