
AHCA hurts the poor, benefits the rich

Wednesday, June 14, 2017 9:31 PM

I am writing to express grave and great concern regarding the Ryan Repeal bill which would harms tens of millions of Americans if passed by the Senate. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, has analyzed this bill and the results are alarming.

CBO analysis shows the American Health Care Act will throw 14 million people off their existing insurance plans by 2018 and 24 million by 2026. This is like taking health insurance away from the entire nation of Australia.

The Ryan Repeal bill will leave 52 million Americans without health insurance in 2026 & will cut Medicaid funding to the states by $880 billion. It will increase premiums by 20 percent for those who can keep their plans.

Can you afford to pay a 20 percent or more increase for your current health insurance plan? The bill will give $592 billion in tax cuts to the wealthiest individuals and corporations in this country. All the results are appalling. This will have an extremely negative impact on healthcare in rural areas such as ours. It will have an extremely negative impact on women’s health care, specifically if you are of child bearing age and poor.

The Affordable Health Care Act played an important role in ending discriminatory health policies and practices. It made health care coverage more equitable nationwide and we’re in danger of losing all that and more – unless we raise our voices now.

Congressman Tipton voted for the AHCA and Sen. Bennet has already publicly come out against it. Please call Sen. Gardner at (202) 224-5941 to ask him to vote “no” on the AHCA, This bill targets and takes from the impoverished, underserved and the middle class and gives back to the rich. Please call today.

Patty Coen, RN

