
Rico goes all out for the Fourth

Tuesday, June 6, 2017 9:16 PM

Rico is famous for throwing a huge Fourth of July celebration that goes on for three days, and this year is no different.

From July 1 to July 4, the town will host a variety of events. There will be bake sales, craft fairs, a revival service, old timers’ community picnic, firemen’s barbecue, softball games, ice-cream social and a parade. There will be log-splitting and watermelon-eating contests and live music by the Four Corners Community Band. Free E-Bike rides will be available at the Burley Building. The fireworks show begins at dusk, and goes to about 9 p.m.



Saturday, July 1
9 a.m.-5 p.m.: Duck race tickets/T-shirts at Rico Firehouse. More info:
9 a.m.–4 p.m.: Rico Women’s Club Craft Fair at the Rico Elementary School
10 a.m.:  Rico Women’s Club Bake Sale at the Rico Firehouse. Don’t be late.

Sunday, July 2
1030 a.m.: Revival service at the Rico Community Church.
Noon: Old-timers’ and community picnic at ballpark. Firemen’s barbecue. Bring a side. Softball games follow.

Monday, July 3
9 a.m.–4 p.m.: Rico Women’s Club Craft Fair at the Rico Elementary School.
4 p.m.: Hymn Sing, followed by ice cream social at the Rico Community Church.

Tuesday, July 4
9 a.m.– 4 p.m.: Rico Women’s Club Craft Fair at the Rico Elementary School.
10 a.m.– 2 p.m.: FireWise info at the firehouse.
11 A.m.: Fourth of July parade. Lineup starts at 10 a.m. at the courthouse. Grand Marshal and Rico native Allene Eula Winkfield Pera is 102 years old this year.
12 p.m.: Burgers, dogs, Bratwurst and barbecue at the firehouse. Music by the Four Corners Community Band. Filipino street fair food, across from the post office.
1 p.m.: Enterprise contests: log splitting, watermelon eating. Music at 3:30 p.m.
3 p.m.: Rico Fire Department’s Duck Race. Duck drop happens at the Piedmont bridge, finish line is at the West Rico Bridge.
Dusk-9 p.m.: Rico Fire Department’s fireworks show.
All weekend
The Rico Historical Museum will be open.
E-Bike free demonstration rides at the Burley Building.
Source: Erin Johnson
