
Common ground emerged at Ag Expo

Monday, June 5, 2017 4:16 PM

Something amazing happened at the recent Ag Expo: community conversations at the Montezuma County Democrats’ booth, prompted by our large board inviting people to share issues that matter to them.

Thanks to all those who stopped by – it gave us hope to learn how much we have in common. Even kids got into the act, posting things they’re concerned with: mom and dad, dogs and cats, life, horses, and 4-H. And a two-week spring break.

We’re united about many local issues: better enforcement of city codes, road repair, support for The Bridge Emergency Shelter, a bike trail from Cortez to Mancos and strengthening our public schools.

Residents would like to see greater compassion for others, a celebration of our diverse cultures and respect for Native American rights to control incursions on their land.

We also agree on national issues: protecting affordable health care, Social Security, and programs like Meals on Wheels that help vulnerable people; greater civility, peaceful protests and a more transparent government.

Two broad issues that many diverse people identified as important were protecting our environment so we have clean air, water and energy, and making sure our public lands stay in public hands. This latter issue was emphasized by hunters, anglers, hikers, campers, and people who love our beautiful great outdoors.

Visit us next year and leave a sticky note on our Things That Matter board about your next great idea. Let’s continue to find common ground.

Mary Dodd


Editor’s note; Mary Dodd is Vice Secretary of the Montezuma County Democrats.
