
Vote to support our city council

Friday, April 15, 2011 8:19 PM

Dear Editor:

Voting is the most important, and should be the most valued right, we have. It is also one of the most ignored and abused. To vote means to have a say, even if we feel it to be a small say, in the governing of our local, state, and federal governments. Sadly, many shirk this right and responsibility using a variety of excuses that are just that: excuses.

We have a group of hardworking people that the majority of voters in the city of Cortez elected to represent us and take care of the day to day business within our city. They have worked very hard to make the best decisions they can with the different situations they face. We don’t all agree with every decision each and every time. That would be impossible, and logical people understand this.

It is disappointing that a small group of people have felt the need to attack our council. It is clear to me, no matter how much it may be denied, that there are personal agendas at work here.

On May 3, each of us must vote our feelings. We must each take time from our busy day and make certain we get to our voting place, or if we are using a home ballot, get it mailed on time. In this case, to not vote means letting a small group have a power over the many.

It is also necessary to be aware that sometimes a ballot can be confusing. It needs to be read carefully so that we actually vote the way we intend.

Let’s all make certain we do our part and support our city council. Support the people we elected, not the few who should never speak for the majority. Vote no recall!

Tonia Gurnea


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