An emergency fish salvage at Trujillo Meadows Reservoir, west of Antonito in Conejos County starts May 27. Because the reservoir will be drawn down for dam repair, the fish will die, and anglers are encouraged to keep all the fish they catch through Dec. 31.
The salvage order removes all size, possession and bag limits for all species of fish. Anglers must possess a 2017 Colorado fishing license and can only use legal methods of take.
The reservoir contains plenty of trout and fishing should be good through July.
The salvage order, does not apply to the Rio De Los Pinos River which supplies water to the reservoir.
A cash-based incentive offered by CPW and the Colorado Water Conservation Board encourages anglers to catch northern pike at Green Mountain Reservoir. The reward program encourages anglers to participate directly in efforts to remove the illegally introduced predators from the reservoir.
CPW biologists say the presence of the predatory fish in Green Mountain is a significant concern. In addition to the potential impacts to fish in the reservoir, if they escape and take up residency downstream in Gold Medal sections of the Blue and Colorado rivers, sportfishing opportunities for trout could see negative consequences. If the predatory fish eventually reach federally listed critical habitat in the Colorado River, they would prey upon the state’s endangered native fishes - the Colorado pike minnow, humpback chub, razorback sucker and bonytail.
To participate, anglers must bring their northern pike to the Heeney Marina along with their driver’s license and fishing license. CPW will keep fish heads for analysis. Anglers may keep or donate their northern pike and smallmouth bass.
For more information about the cash-for-pike program, call CPW’s Hot Sulphur Springs office at 970-725-6200, or Heeney Marina at 970-724-9441.
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