
Hospice thankful for great success of pancake supper

Friday, Nov. 25, 2011 10:14 PM

On Friday, Nov. 4, Hospice of Montezuma held our annual Pancake Supper. The supper was a tremendous success with Hospice volunteers and staff serving over 320 people in two hours and making over $3,000. The First United Methodist Church has always graciously allowed Hospice to use their facility for this fundraiser. We cannot express our thanks enough to the First United Methodist Church, the First United Methodist Church Women’s Group, the individuals that provided the auction items, the generous bids that followed, the volunteers that made this fundraiser happen and the community that attended.

The continued support from the citizens and volunteers is one of the things that allows Hospice to provide care for our patients. The Hospice Board and staff extends our heartfelt thanks to each and everyone that extended their hand for this very worthy cause. We look forward to seeing all of you again next year.

Best regards,
Ronda Lancaster, Fundraising and Volunteer Coordinator
