What do you think of when you think of Veterans Day?
Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011 12:28 AM
Robert Dunn, self employed
My dad and his service in World War II, and Im grateful for all the veterans. I dont like the corporate wars and all the deaths of our soldiers for corporate profit, not to mention the citizens of those countries we invade.
Esther Franklin, retired
My husband, who served in World War II, and the great flag of this nation.
Dan Woodard, rancher
Im really patriotic. Veterans Day means a lot to me. We have to fight and take care of this country better than we are doing now. I hope to God we can make the changes this next election. Obama hasnt done one thing good for this country. Hes trying to take this country away from us citizens.
Pam Stegeman, retired
I think of my uncle whos missing in action in Korea.
Oliver Noyes, retired
I think about people who have been fighting for our country. Without them wed be having big problems.
Don Anderson, retired, Vietnam veteran
I think about all my comrades that I miss and that never made it home. They made the ultimate sacrifice.