
Corrections personnel deserve thanks

Monday, May 15, 2017 5:52 PM

They are the largest under-appreciated, under-recognized, yet largest group of unsung heroes we have in our state. Every moment of every single day they place themselves in harms way for the citizens of the state of Colorado. When something goes wrong, they are criticized by many, but when many things go right, it is rarely recognized.

They work holidays, weekends, miss school functions, their children’s activities and other special occasions. They do it because they are dedicated professionals. They do it because they love their communities and, most of all, they do it because they believe they can make a positive difference. They do it with little notice.

No they are not police officers, counselors, mentors or teachers. They are all of those rolled into whom I know as correctional and parole officers. These individuals are supported in their duties daily by a variety of other classifications across the department.

This is the week we honor all of our staff who have dedicated their careers to working in corrections to better our communities. Most inmates (97 percent) are coming back to the community they came from. Our employees are dedicated to working to see that they return as a law-abiding citizen, rather than the way they came in.

Please join me this week in thanking them for all that they do.

Rick Raemisch


Editor’s Note: Mr. Raemisch is executive director of the Colorado Department of Corrections.
