
court news

Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2011 3:57 PM


Ÿ Jason R. Elledge, 31, of Cortez, pleaded guilty to one count of harassment-strike/shove/kick. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail, with four days credit for time served, to report Sept. 30. He was also sentenced to 24 months of supervised probation, to report on this date, and must follow all terms and conditions of same. He was ordered to pay $1,477 in fines and costs, and must obtain a domestic violence/substance abuse evaluation and follow all recommendations. He was ordered to undergo a drug/alcohol program as directed by probation, and must not use illegal drugs or alcohol while on probation. Defendant shall not contract any financial obligations without approval of his probation officer and collections investigator. Timely payments of fees and fines is a condition of probation.

Ÿ Edwin Hunch, 31, of Cortez, pleaded guilty to one count of harassment — strike/shove/kick, and was sentenced to 60 days in jail, with 18 days credit for time served. He was sentenced to 24 months supervised probation, consecutive with case No. 11M 228, and must report to state probation after release from jail. He was ordered to pay $2,474 in fines and costs, and may not contract any financial obligations without approval of his probation officer and collections investigator. He must follow all terms and conditions of probation, including no drug or alcohol use. He must obtain a domestic violence/substance abuse evaluation and follow all recommendations. Defendant must submit to random tests for drug and alcohol use as per probation, and must resolve all outstanding warrants.

Ÿ Edwin Hunch, 31, of Cortez, pleaded guilty to one count of harassment-strike/shove/kick, and was sentenced to 60 days in jail, with one day credit for time served. He also was sentenced to 24 months of probation, to report after release from jail. This case is consecutive with case No. 11M 159; probation will be concurrent with cases, but defendant will be on probation for a full two years from this date. He was ordered to pay $1,244.50 in fines and costs, and may not contract any financial obligations without approval of his probation officer and collections investigator. He is to follow all terms and conditions of probation, including no use of alcohol or drugs. He must submit to random tests for drugs and alcohol as per probation. He must obtain a domestic violence/substance abuse evaluation and follow all recommendations. Defendant is also to resolve all outstanding warrants.

Ÿ Israel Ray Trujillo, 41, of Cortez, pleaded guilty to one count of harassment-strike/shove/kick, and was sentenced to 30 days in jail (stayed), and 24 months of supervised probation, to report on this date. He was ordered to pay $293.50 in fines and costs. He must follow all terms and conditions of probation, and must not contract any financial obligations without approval of his probation officer and collections investigator. He must regularly attend, participate in, and successfully complete a domestic violence course through a certified provider. Defendant is to have no drug or alcohol use while under probation supervision, and must submit to twice-weekly drug and alcohol tests, to be paid for by defendant. A review hearing is set for Oct. 12 to determine whether home detention or jail will be served.


Ÿ Mark C. Bruce, 55, of Cortez, pleaded guilty to one count of driving under restraint-alcohol related, and was sentenced to 30 days in jail, to report on Oct. 4. He was also ordered to pay $187.50 in fines and costs.

Ÿ Heide B. Kleppe, 26, of Cortez, pleaded guilty to one count of driving while ability impaired. This is the defendant’s first DUI. She was sentenced to two days in jail, plus 365 days in jail with a suspended imposition. She was sentenced to 12 months supervised probation, and ordered to pay $1,335.30 in fines and costs. Defendant must also complete 24 hours of community service by Aug. 27, 2012. She must attend victim impact panel, Level II education, and 86 hours of therapy-Track D. She is to undergo enhanced outpatient therapy, and must submit to random tests for drugs and alcohol use. Defendant must successfully complete parenting class, and must obtain a mental health evaluation, and follow all recommendations of same. All standard conditions of probation apply, including no alcohol or illegal drug use. Defendant must report to probation on this date.


Ÿ Charles Oliver Evans, 20, pleaded guilty to one count of third-degree assault-knowingly/recklessly causing injury, and one count of menacing. He was sentenced to one year in jail, with 103 days credit for time served. He was also ordered to pay $380.55 in fines and costs.

Ÿ Randy Lee Skinner, 52, was charged with one count of child abuse-knowingly/recklessly permitted a child to be unreasonably placed in a situation that posed a threat of injury to child’s life or health. He was sentenced to 12 months of supervised probation, to report after he is released from jail. He was ordered to pay $1,043.50 in fines and costs. He was also ordered to obtain a mental health and drug evaluation, and to follow all recommendations of same.

Ÿ Taren Lane Bayles, 24, pleaded guilty to one count of disorderly conduct-offensive gesture. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail (stayed) with 14 days credit for time served, to report on Oct. 11. He was also sentenced to 12 months supervised probation. Sentence is concurrent with Adams County case, but Montezuma County case is for 12 months effective this date. He was also ordered to pay $854.50 in fines and costs, and must obtain an alcohol evaluation and follow all recommendations of same.

Ÿ Justin A. Whitmer, 19, of Cortez, pleaded guilty to one count of possession of drug paraphernalia. He was ordered to pay $158.50 in fines and costs.

Ÿ Nicholas Daniel Squires, 20, of Cortez, pleaded guilty to one count of possession of drug paraphernalia. He was ordered to pay $128.50 in fines and costs.
