
Herman Cain terrifies the political elite

Monday, Oct. 3, 2011 10:14 PM

Dear Editor:

You can smell the fear Herman Cain brings forth from the elite in both parties. This man is coming on strong and the politicians are absolutely terrified. They’ve started their mantra of he’s never been in government. He doesn’t know how the wheels turn and who to bribe to get them to turn. That’s just not acceptable by the powers who be. This man can’t be controlled with threats, much less money.

Let’s just talk about his not having any experience with government. Wrong! He’s been on the receiving end of the government while pulling not one but two well known chains out of bankruptcy for Pillsbury, Burger King and Godfather’s Pizza. He pulled them out and then bought Godfather’s and made it a very profitable business while having to deal with taxes, regulations, permits and mandates from the local, state and worst of all federal govenment.

Please keep these things in mind when someone says Cain isn’t experienced enough to be president and point out the empty suit in office now whose only experience was as a community organizer. Also keep in mind he never was a professor. He was a visiting lecturer which he used to push his socialist ideas on young impressionable minds. Obama was groomed for this job and Cain was prepared by the school of hard knocks.

Catherine Spencer


Via e-mail
