
Former residents thank locals for help after fire

Friday, Sept. 9, 2011 10:44 PM

On the early morning of Aug. 17, we had a bolt of lightning strike our residence here in Syracuse, Kan., with an end result of losing everything we own and collected for 20 years due to the fire. My family would like to thank certain individuals in the Cortez area for their support and donations. To my parents Ron and Christy Tucker: the healing would have been harder without you guys here when we needed you. To the rest — Craig and Barbara Wolf, Jim and Ace Yeomans, Kim and Connie Hill, and the members of the Montezuma County Clerk’s Office — thanks again.

On the downside, we expected that my former agency, the Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office, where I spent over six years of my career, would have shown some sort of at least sorry for your tragedy. I thought I truly had some friends that worked there — guess not. My new agency here in Kansas knows the true meaning of family and teamwork. We thought about leaving and coming back to Colorado; however, when in need, this community in Syracuse, Kan., came together like we lived here all our lives.

Again, thanks.

Adrian Tucker and family

Hamilton County, Kan.
