
Panthers win at Cedaredge

Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2011 9:19 PM

The Montezuma-Cortez High School golf team competed in three tournaments last week.

The Panthers began the week with a win at DeerCreek Village Golf Club in Cedaredge last Tuesday with a team score of 244. M-CHS was led by tournament champion medalist Keith Hawkins, a junior, who shot 80. It is Hawkins first tournament championship and the Panthers second team win of the season. Sophomore Jakob Rudosky and senior Chris Aiken shot 82 for a second-place finish.

On Wednesday in Delta, M-CHS took second at Devil’s Thumb Golf Course behind rival Montrose (227), totaling 234. Scores for the Panthers were, Aiken, 76; Rudosky, 77; freshman Hayden Plewe, 81; and, Hawkins, 84.

On Thursday in Montrose, the Panthers team score continued to improve, but their standing did not. M-CHS shot 232 at Cobble Creek in Montrose, which was good for a third-place finish. Montrose won for the second straight day shooting 226.

Fruita Monument tied Durango for second with a score of 230.

Rudosky led the way shooting a 75. Aiken, Hawkins and Plewe shot 77, 80 and 84 respectively.

The Panthers have this week off before their two final tournaments of the regular season in Durango. M-CHS will play at Hillcrest and Dalton Ranch Golf Courses on Monday and Tuesday, beginning at 9 a.m.
