
Social Security is not the problem

Friday, Aug. 26, 2011 10:07 PM

Dear Editor:

President Roosevelt promised that the money the participants paid would be put into the independent trust fund rather than into the general operating fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security retirement program and no other government programs. Contact your congressional representative and demand that the Social Security trust funds that they borrowed from and spent on other activities be returned, so that the Social Security program will be intact and not broken as they keep telling us. The Republicans are intent on doing away with the program as a way of covering up the fraud. Our Social Security monthly payments are not welfare to us; we have paid for them for many years as a savings account to help us through our “golden years.” Take it off the table! Tampering with our lawful Social Security and Medicare rights could result in a federal class action lawsuit. We the people have had enough government abuse.

The Social Security trust funds and the Medicare program are not the cause of our financial decline. Just clean up the fraud perpetrated by the medical-industrial complex (insurance companies, drug companies and extended appliance companies, hospitals and some doctors),
The military-industrial complex is also responsible for fraud and money-making for the rich; contracts have been proven to be falsified. Killing so many of our next generation is unjustified and inhumane in illegal wars which have never been declared by Congress. Bring our troops home, close overseas bases and stop the giveaways to other countries.

Last, why not restart President Roosevelt’s WPA programs in order for people to work to earn money instead of relying on welfare?

Evelyn Stacer

